Pilot Mahjong Big Data Project Deployment

This section outlines the phased approach to deploying the pilot project for the Mahjong Big Data initiative, focusing on strategic selection, system implementation, and market evaluation.

  • Targeting Mahjong Parlors Initially, several leading mahjong parlors within Japan that are positive about participating in the big data project will be selected. The selection will consider the needs of the target market and the efficiency of deployment to choose the most suitable parlors.

  • System Implementation and Training The selected mahjong parlors will implement the system and undergo training on blockchain technology and the use of JN Token. The system will be improved based on the evaluation of usability and feedback.

  • Evaluation of Market Response During the pilot project, customer reactions, data, and profitability will be meticulously analyzed. User experience, technical challenges, and marketing strategies will be assessed to prepare for a full-scale deployment.

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