Network Integration and Data Coordination of Mahjong Parlors

JAN-Navi is expanding its ecosystem through network integration and data coordination with mahjong parlors. This includes establishing virtual stores, leveraging advanced data analysis technologies, and centralizing match histories for optimal player matching.

  • Physical Store Expansion JAN-Navi collaborates with prominent mahjong parlors in various locations, establishing online branches for each. These parlors open their virtual stores on the JAN-Navi platform, enabling matches in a digital space that extends their physical presence.

  • Technology Integration In this new online environment, the latest data analysis technologies are implemented. Advanced features such as AI scoring, replay analysis, and sharing of statistical data are also available.

  • Realization of Data Coordination Match data from both online and offline environments are interconnected, centralizing players’ match histories. This facilitates player matching across parlors, making it easier to find top competitors both domestically and internationally. It also enables the collection and utilization of extensive personal and gameplay data.

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