JAN-Navi Phased Expansion

The JAN-Navi platform's phased approach to global expansion emphasizes gradual growth from establishing a solid base in Japan to broadening its presence across Asia and eventually penetrating global markets. The platform's adaptability and collaboration with local partners are key to its success.

  • Establishment in Japan The first step focuses on implementing the DePIN and JN Token systems in major Mahjong parlors across Japan. Fine-tuning will be conducted to adapt to regional characteristics and user demographics, enhancing the model's refinement.

  • Expansion into the Asian Market Building on success in Japan, the system will expand to major cities in Asia. While complying with each country's regulations, cultural and linguistic customizations will be made in cooperation with local partners, gradually enhancing presence in the region.

  • Penetration into Global Markets Based on achievements in the Asian market, the service area will expand to include Europe and the Americas. Collaboration with local influencers and communities will be sought to foster and promote Mahjong culture suited to each culture.

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